Owned by the community - Maintained by the volunteers - Funded through donations
Support with a Regular Pledge
By far our most popular method, many people donate a small amount each month or quarter. This form of donation is made by creating a 'Standing Order' with your bank. There are two methods to effect this:
1. Download a Standing Order Mandate, complete and take into the bank to have them set up the standing order for you.
2. If you Internet bank, then set up a standing order using the details below:
A/C Name: - Derrington Millennium Green Trust
A/C Number: - 31449257
Sort Code:- 40-43-03
In the reference box please mark it ME999 (This is our Non-Gift aid reference number) If you would like to 'Gift Aid' the donation (which gives an extra 20% or more from Tax relief) then either download the Gift Aid form (see button below) or send us an e-mail and we'll send you a gift aid form in suitable format for yourself. We can then issue you an unique 'ME' number.
Press button to download Read only standing Order Mandate form - Adobe
(you will need to print, manually apply details and return by post of hand)
Press button to Download Editable
Standing Order Mandate Form (MS EXCEL)
Press button to Download Editable
Gift Aid Form (MS Word)