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Wild About Derrington
April 7th 2018

Thank you to everyone who attended Wild About Derrington, it was a great success. As you will see from the photos, hundreds of people attended and it was free!

It was good to see so many people volunteering their time to very worthwhile projects as seen in the stalls around the Green. A big thank you to all the volunteers and especially Karen Davies and Roy Wood who were instrumental in making it happen.


The Mammal Group: See what was caught in traps (humane) before the event!

Bird Box Making - Thank you to the Perkins Apprentices

Pond Dipping

All about Bats - thank you to Jane Rock

All about Bats - thank you to Jane Rock

Careful handling is always required with bats (you need a license) especially one as small as the  Pipistrel

The Rambling Association 

Planting Violas and Primroses

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and willow weaving

All about Bumble Bees

The refreshments tent did a roaring trade - thanks Jean and Sue! (The Photo was before it became busy!)

Even the local wildlife tried to attend! (on the way to the pond). Looks like there will be plenty of toad spawn again!

Face Painting is always popular

Face Painting is always popular

Meet the Owls

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