Owned by the community - Maintained by the volunteers - Funded through donations
How to make a One Off Donation
One off donations may be made in one of the following ways:
Direct payment (transfer) from your bank
Send a cheque
Pay direct to a trustee
Equipment Sponsorship or provision
1. Direct payment from the bank is the easiest option. You can go direct to the bank giving them the details below and they will do it for you, or if you use internet banking then it's a simple issue of making a payment (transfer), our details are as follows:
A/C Name: - Derrington Millennium Green Trust
A/C Number: - 31449257
Sort Code:- 40-43-03
in the reference box there is a 'ME' reference number, please state this as a reference on your standing order or direct payment so we can identify the source for our records. If you would like to 'Gift Aid' the donation (which gives an extra 20% or more from Tax relief) then either download the Gift Aid form, complete and return(see button below) or send us an e-mail and we'll send you a gift aid form in suitable format for yourself.
2. Cheques should be made payable to 'Derrington Millennium Green Trust' and sent to Janet Clements (DMGT treasurer) 20 Twemlow Close, Derrington. Stafford ST18 9LX.
3. Direct payments (cash) maybe given directly to any trustee (we have quite a few donations this way). We would not recommend sending any cash through the post.
4. We would also welcome any sponsorship of equipment or facilities. Please e-mail us if you's like to do this.
Press button to download Read only gift aid form (you will need to print, manually apply details and return by post of hand)
Press button to Download Editable
Gift Aid Form