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Birds seen on the Green (Up to January 2021)

A Rare Opportunity to Protect A Flood Meadow


Since the Second World War more than 90% of water & flood meadow has been lost in the UK, ploughed for agriculture or taken for house building with a devastating effect on wildlife populations. Help us to protect 2.4 acres of this important habitat.


Find our more on our campaign page

For More News on Our Expansion - Visit the Expansion Page

Posted 18-07-2020


Posted 18-07-2020

2020 so far

2020 has been a difficult year for Humans, flora and Fauna. Covid-19 has resulted in the Green & Woodland seeing record visitor numbers due to other facilities in the local area being closed. This has put considerable strain on the locals and Trustees.

As far as the Flora and Fauna is concerned, after a very wet start and then severe late frost (which killed most of the orchid flowers) and then a very dry hot patch many animals and plants have suffered but as in nature many have thrived.  e.g. bad for frogs, fruit trees, orchids but great for Toads, Oxeye daisies and butterflies (please see pictures below). After a bad start eventually the meadows have really come to life, be it late and after significant and successful efforts by the trustees to stop visitors trampling the meadows.

Hope you enjoy the photos below.

Meadow Brown.jpg
Large white.jpg
Small Tortoisehell.jpg

A new fence has been erected behind the pond to give a protected nesting area for birds

Even after our best efforts to protect the frogs by creating a 'birthing pool', unfortunately we could save the frogspawn. The Toads however has a party and produced thousands of tadpoles.

The meadows did eventually come to life about a month later than usual - it's amazing what a drop of rain can do!

Posted 26-08-19

New species recorded on the Green

This year as seen several species on the Green not seen before. We have had our first brood of Barn Owls, now they have fledged we can go public. We have also had a new flower and Caterpillar not recorded before, please see photos  

barn owl chick.jpg

The last chick of the brood before fledging  


Common Centaury in the meadows

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar.jpg

Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar

Posted 18-02-19

Christmas Meal and Post Christmas Treasure Hunt 

The Christmas meal in the shed for volunteers and supporters, was a merry old event as per usual. The scattergories and men vs women quiz produced a lot of laughs.

Thanks for those who attended the pre-New Years treasure hunt, its a good way to walk off the excesses of Christmas. The children's mythical beasts treasure hunt seemed to go down well and especially the chocolate box prizes!

image2 (1).jpeg
Treasure Hunt Route Map.JPG

Posted 28-07-18

2017/ (interim 2018) AGM 

The 2017/18 AGM was again a great success on the Green this week, with over fifty people attending on what can only be described as a glorious evening.

In summary - The Trust is in extremely good health, everything is going well and we celebrated our 20th Anniversary, here's to the next 20 years. 


We had a visit from Rory Middleton (Staffordshire Wildlife Trust) to give his thoughts on how the Green is progressing, from his view point very well, he managed to spend 20+ minutes after the AGM, on the meadow, showing the types of wildflowers and plants that we have and why our site has now become a very precious donor site for Staffordshire to re-populate new wildflower sites.

The food and wine added to the wonderful site of a glorious sunset and it was a good time to catch up with old (and new) friends.


Post AGM enjoying the sunset and the company

Posted 15-07-18

Sorry for the lack of posts recently (had other more pressing issues!), 

Latest update on the land purchase is that we have submitted our proposed change to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) however, the response from the Charities Commission is that they have a high level of demand at the moment!

We unfortunately cannot buy the land until this happens so we'll have a trustees meeting shortly to decide how to progress.

Posted 06-05-18

Derrington Millennium Green Trust will convert from a Trust to a 'Charitable Incorporated Organisation' (CIO)

The motion to move from Trust to CIO was unanimously agreed at the last AGM by all Trustees and AGM attendees. There were 2 main reasons for the change, these were:

     1. All current trustees are liable for any financial shortfalls that the trust cannot cover.

     2. The 'Trust' cannot purchase land.

Item 1 has and never will be an issue for the current trustees as we have full liability insurance and no one will commit fraud with the way the trust is organised. This means that trustees will never be personally responsible for a potential financial shortfall. So why the change? The simple fact is, it puts off potential new trustees when its explained that they wouldn't have limited liability. For this main reason many trusts have converted to CIO's and most new organisations don't become trusts but go straight to CIO's.

Item 2 is a clear block to being able to expand the Green. (the original purchase was under a different set of rules).

The trustees have held off the CIO conversion process until the conclusion of the expansion land purchase. This now allows the trust to roll up the purchase and CIO conversion into one action instead of two (thereby reducing costs).

The trust should be able to keep the name - 'Derrington Millennium Green' and carry on pretty much the same as before.

The process of conversion is underway with our solicitors and should move fairly quickly to enable the land purchase to happen soon.

We'll keep you informed of progress.

Posted 26-03-2018

Thank you for everyone who attended the indoor curling night at Derrington Village hall last Saturday evening, it was a great success which everyone seemed to enjoy. I can console myself as the chairman that, although my team lost in the final (because I fluffed the last shot - too much wine!) that the winners were also from Twemlow close. At least I managed to win Glider lessons at Seighford airfield!
The night raised a fantastic figure of £682 for the Millennium Green, it was so much fun I think we'll have to do another!
Thanks to Helen, Roger and family who did a great job, you were fantastic thank you.
Pictures to follow!


In Memory of Olive who will be sadly missed!

Posted 08-03-2018

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, the expansion project is still very much alive, although we haven't raised the full amount being asked, we will be speaking to the landowner shortly to try and find a way forward.

Posted 11 Jan 2018

Millennium Green Expansion Update

The Running total is £34,432. We are currently looking at an additional source of funding

Posted 11 Jan 2018

Christmas Treasure Hunt and Quiz

Thanks to everyone who attended the Christmas Quiz and Treasure Hunt. It was nice to stretch our legs and get some fresh air between Christmas and the New Year. We'll done to everyone who solved the Quiz!

Posted 10 Dec 2017

Hard Standing Path Improvements

New Hard-standing Paths have been laid around the green just in time for Winter and the snow!

Posted 10 Dec 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Update

The current total pledges is up to £33,240. 

Posted 10 Dec 2017

Our Latest News Sheet

Please see our latest News sheet

Posted 22 Nov 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Update

The current total pledges is up to £32,968. A second news sheet will be sent shortly to try and get us closer to the amount. Overall it's going very well.

Posted 19 Nov 2017

Defibrillator commissioned on the Green

  Last weekend saw the new Defibrillator commissioned on the green just inside the middle Greenway walk entrance. Thanks to Pete Large for sponsoring the installation.

  Signs will be placed on the Greenway walk to notify people of its presence. Thanks to all our volunteers (shown in the picture) who help out regularly and in the process keep fit, have some fresh air and gain new friends!

Posted 13 Nov 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Update

There has been a great response and the pledges total is creeping towards the target daily. The trustees will hold a meeting this week to decide the next course of action

Posted 05 Nov 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Update

More pledges received

Posted 29 Oct 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Update

We're edging closer and feeling more confident!

Posted 29 Oct 2017

The paths around the Green are looking worn and grown over, which is not surprising after nearly 20 years of use. We'll be starting renovation work shortly ready for Winter.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hardstanding Path Renovations

Posted 22 Oct 2017

Millennium Green Expansion Appeal - over half way there!

We've had a really good response so far which, has meant we are over half way to our target. We are expecting more pledges so watch this space!


A big thank you to all who have pledged already.

We've had £9,000 recently pledged, with Gift Aid this will take us to at least £11,000. These recent pledges take our total to £26,228.


Posted 13 Oct 2017

Initial Response to the Expansion Appeal

We've had a good initial response for the appeal so far we've had £2,980 pledged which takes our total to nearly 50% of the target!

Posted 05/10/2017

Defibrillator being installed on the Green

Thanks to the generous sponsorship from one of our supporters, a defibrillator is being installed on the Millennium Green. It should be operational by the end of October.

Pictures show defibrillator and s cable being laid from Shed to defibrillator Station.

- Posted Sept 2017

Potential Millennium Green Expansion

 Recently some land became available adjacent to the Millennium Green. An appeal was started to see if it would be possible to purchase the whole 29 acres. Unfortunately, in the limited timespan, it wasn't possible to raise the full amount required. Subject to the sale, however, the new owner has offered a packet of land adjacent to the Millennium green and next to Doxey Brook. We would like this land as it would make an excellent wetland habitat which we don't have at the moment. If you would like to support this project please see below or open our latest news sheet on this page. 

Our Latest News sheet

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     1. e-mail us using the contact us page

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